.. _cmd_line_tools: Command line tools ================== This page gives instructions on how to launch DeepFinder steps from the terminal. Set up ------ First, add DeepFinder to your path with following command: :code:`export PATH="/path/to/deep-finder/bin:$PATH"` You can add this command to your :code:`~/.bash_profile` .. note:: Running these commands without any argument will launch the graphical user interface. Annotation ---------- Usage:: annotate -t /path/to/tomogram.mrc -o /path/to/output/object_list.xml Target generation ----------------- For :code:`generate_target` and :code:`train`, it is not possible to pass all necessary parameters as terminal arguments. Therefore, they have to be passed as an xml file. Usage:: generate_target -p /path/to/parameters.xml Parameter file:: .. note:: You can find classes with methods for automatically reading and writing these parameter files in utils/params.py Training -------- Usage:: train -p /path/to/parameters.xml Parameter file:: Segmentation ------------ Usage:: segment -t /path/tomogram.mrc -w /path/net_weights.h5 -c NCLASS -p PSIZE -o /path/output/segmentation.mrc With NCLASS and PSIZE integer values. See :ref:`guide` for parameter description. Clustering ---------- Usage:: cluster -l /path/to/segmentation.mrc -r clusterRadius -o /path/to/output/object_list.xml